The way you [Small Miracles] approached the lessons was very beneficial. The work on just “getting to know people” and the activities of learning to introduce yourself and ask questions — learning how to start conversations, how to take turns when speaking, how to listen to others, and how to be respectful to one another — were so beneficial. Self-confidence was surely boosted. Thank you for all you did in working with my boys and caring for them so much.
-Parent of Therapeutic Horsemanship Program
Every Therapeutic Horsemanship (TH) student receives individual lessons based upon needs and goads set by caregivers and involved medical and mental health professionals (PT, OT, SLP, and behavioral therapists). Small Miracles serves TH students ages 4-adult, throughout all of their life stages. As personal growth and development occurs, equine-assisted activities and therapies are provided at a continuously progressive rate until the students’ goals are accomplished. Through this engaging program, students become willing to try new things — the beginning of all learning — discovering what THEY CAN DO. Many students have successfully attained higher learning and/or competitive-independent or integrated employment.
Horses are very unique in their ability to provide therapeutic services. The horse’s walking gait is the closets to the human walking gait. During mounted activities the student’s neuromuscular system receives the same input as if the student were walking, therefore, they receive improved walking gait, core strength and balance, flexibility, and vestibular input. Participation in either mounted or unmounted activities offers a plethora of other holistic benefits. Horses naturally provide sensory integration through their scent, feel, sounds and rhythmic movements. Grooming helps both fine and gross motor skills, self-regulation strategies and calming skills, helping to care and feed the horses promotes life skills, self-care, nurturing, empathy, and awareness of others. Mounted or unmounted guiding of their horse through area patterns encourages auditory and visual processing, expressive language, academic learning, multi-stepped tasks promoting sequential thinking and motor planning. This program’s valuable experiential moments with their horse instills self-confidence, teaches healthy personal physical and social- emotional boundaries with others. Self=esteem and personal power soar by gently interacting with a 1000-pound prey animal. The horse-human connection establishes an attuned mutually healthy relationship ensuring safety and success of the student as a valuable contributing, self-sufficient member of their community.
Benefits of Therapeutic Horsemanship:
• Flexibility
• Balance
• Muscle Strength
• Improved Coordination
• Greater Self-Esteem
• Confidence
• Recreational Opportunity & Fun

Therapeutic Horsemanship Program
In 2013 Tucker, then 8, joined our Therapeutic Horsemanship program. His mom shared how being on the Autism Spectrum affected him; he did not understand how to make friends.
When he first began the program, he struggled with anger, social skills and sensory issues. He quickly connected with the horses and was able to develop coping skills, learned self-compassion, and experienced co-regulation. The ponies validated his self-worth and soothed his anger. "She (Buttons) helped me gain control over my issues."
In Summer 2021, Tucker graduated from the Therapeutic Horsemanship program, but his growth continues. He obtained his learner's permit and now volunteers in lessons; "I wanted to give back."

Therapeutic Horsemanship Graduate
Beth participated in our Therapeutic Horsemanship program since elementary school due to a physical disability. Over the years she worked on improving core strength, fine/gross motor skills, confidence and social skills.
In August 2021 Beth was hired by Hawkins County Schools and is thriving as an Instructional Assistant.